来源:安徽医科大学皮肤病研究所发布时间:2013/08/14浏览次数:1940 次

 8月15日(周四)上午11:40 基因公司与Affy公司一同在科教大楼1116小教室举办小型学术报告,对Post-GWAS的一些问题和解决方案展开讨论,请在室工作人员和研究生参加学习。

报告人:Shantanu Kaushikkar  和 Ali Pirani, M.S.
报告题目:Affymetrix Axiom TG Technology Application on Post-GWAS.

Ali Pirani 个人介绍
Ali Pirani has more than 10 years of experience in bioinformatics innovation in life science research and products.  He currently concentrates on the analysis and algorithm development for all non-Human genotyping arrays, focusing on genotyping organisms with complex, polyploidy genomes and developing methods for genotype performance classification.  He previously served as the Bioinformatics Specialist at the Bimolecular Computing Core, Emory University School of Medicine as the manager of the Microarray Analysis Facility.  He holds a Master of Science in Computer Science and Mathematics from Emory University, with a research focus in Biostatistics.


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